Contact Total Hydrographic For Reliable Solutions

Our expertise can help you reach your desired outcome. Please get in touch.

Total Hydrographic are your certified Hydrographic Surveyors and Marine Mapping/GIS professionals.

If your project requires hydrographic skill please talk to the certified experts in the field.

Contact Info

Our Office

14/75 Endeavour Way,
Sunshine West, VIC 3020

79 Cook Road,
Bli Bli, QLD, 4560 


Open Office Hours

Monday – Friday:

8am – 5pm


Get in Touch

We have the Qualifications – Call us!

Get In Touch

1 + 3 =

Provide Us With

Scope of survey project
  • Extents the survey is to cover. E.g. Mark up on aerial imagery
  • Objective: What do you want to find out? E.g. shallowest depth, capacity or are there any hazards present.
  • Specifications: Do you have an accuracy requirement or a standard you want met? E.g. IHO Special Order, Class A
  • Type: Do you have a methodology in mind? E.g. Multibeam Echo Sounder
What deliverable's do you want?
  • Cleaned and reduced xyz data set 
  • Plan of Survey – contours and soundings in PDF 
  • Volume Assessment & Cross Section Profiles 
  • 3D Interactive Point Cloud Presentation 
Time Frame
  • Is there a date that you need the results by? 
  • Are there other schedules to work around? 
  • When do you need the quote by?
Survey Datum
  • Is there any pre-established survey control on site?
  • Which horizontal datum? E.g. GDA94, GDA2020, WGS84
  • Which vertical datum? E.g. Chart Datum, AHD, LAT

14/75 Endeavour Way, Sunshine West, VIC, 3020

0467 055 005